Boris Johnson's Britain means uncertain horizons for young people post 2020
Lib Dems MPs recently tabled an amendment to the EU Withdrawal Agreement Bill to save Erasmus, so that students can live, study & work across the EU. Last week, the Tories voted it down. We will keep fighting to stop Boris Johnson limiting the horizons for young people. The Liberal Democrat amendment would have inserted a clause in the withdrawal agreement bill requiring the government to seek continued participation in Erasmus+ on existing terms after Brexit, and to report on the progress of negotiations to parliament. But on Wednesday MPs voted down a second reading of the amendment, by 344 to 254. What is Erasmus? The Erasmus programme (European Region Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) is an EU funded programme that organises student exchanges. Each exchange is designed to enable the student to gain valuable international experience, either by studying part of their degree abroad, or undertaking a work placement (traineeship). The exchanges usually take place in the second or thir