World Aids Day - 1st December
World Aids Day
On Saturday 1st December millions of people, internationally, will be supporting the 30th Anniversary of World AIDS Day.
Globally, 35 million people have died from HIV and AIDS and there are still around 36.7 million people living with HIV. There has been a fall in the number of diagnoses in the UK, however it is vital that we all remain vigilant and keep awareness of the stigmas and discrimination that are still around and show our commitment to stamping out AIDS for good!
World AIDS day is a chance to show commitment, equality and diversity, whilst raising awareness of the stigmas and discrimination around HIV. Many people still donĂt know how to protect themselves and prevent passing on the disease. The day is a great chance to raise awareness of this and educate people whilst supporting the World AIDS Day campaign by wearing a red ribbon.
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (commonly known as PrEP) can be used to prevent HIV. Liberal Democrats are fighting for PrEP to be freely available on the NHS. Everyone should have the right to a healthy, HIV free, life. Trials of PReP are currently going ahead in the UK, which involves the use of a prescription anti-HIV drug called Truvada.
The work of National AIDS Trust goes beyond World AIDS day and you can still support them all year round, helping with their goal of ending AIDS by 2030. Find out more below about the great work of World AIDS day and National AIDS Trust in the links below and donate to get yourself a red ribbon!
Rethink runs Rethink Services and groups across England and Northern Ireland.