Ten days to go, and ten facts about the EU
With ten days to go until the referendum, the European Movement has published ten facts about the UK's membership of the EU. For details and examples, see their website at http://euromove.org.uk/10-facts, but the headlines are as follows:
- Britain benefits from being in the EU.
- Only 1% of UK government expenditure goes to the EU.
- Britain is thriving after 43 years in the EU.
- Britain has lower prices thanks to the EU.
- The EU helps grow the UK economy.
- Britain's global influence is stronger as a member of the EU.
- Our consumer rights are protected as a member of the EU.
- Rights for UK workers are protected thanks to the EU.
- Our air, rivers, lakes and beaches are cleaner, thanks to the EU.
- Britain is safer and more secure in the EU.
You can download the European Movement's "Referendum Guide" from http://euromove.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/EU-Basics_Euromove_WEB.pdf.