Suffolk Liberal Democrats select Helen Korfanty as PCC candidate
Helen Korfanty has been selected as the Liberal Democrat candidate for the upcoming election of the next Suffolk Police & Crime Commissioner. You can read more about her here:
As Liberal Democrats, we are determined to ensure that any candidate we put forward is highly qualified for the role, and committed to it, with a full understanding of what the job entails and the responsibilities that it carries. The candidate selection procedure has been rigorous, culminating in open meetings for local members of the Liberal Democrats party to grill Helen on her relevant experience, suitability and intentions. Impressed with Helen's presentation and responses, her selection has been welcomed enthusiastically by members.
Jon James, Chair of Suffolk Liberal Democrats said, "Helen Korfanty is one of the best-qualified individuals to put themselves forward to contest this election. She is a well respected advocate across the criminal justice system in Suffolk, and brings with her lots of experience in both criminal law and family law. She will bring a whole new approach to managing police resources, especially in areas of domestic abuse and mental health where the Lib Dems are leading the way. Helen will provide strong, independent-minded leadership and support to the Suffolk Constabulary at a time when government cuts are seeing local neighbourhood policing significantly reduced."