Suffolk County Council's Mineral and Waste Local Plan
Suffolk County Council is creating a combined Minerals and Waste Local Plan containing their revised policies for minerals and waste, and identifying potential locations for minerals sites (such as sand or gravel pits) and waste sites (such as recycling plants or landfill sites). As part of this plan, they are running a public consultation to which you can contribute your views, which will help to shape development of the new Minerals and Waste Local Plan. No review of specific sites will be undertaken in this initial consultation.
There are two levels of consultation document - an "Issues and Options Consultation Summary Document" and a more detailed "Issues and Options Consultation Document" accompanied by a "Sustainability Appraisal". The two have separate consultation response questionnaires, and the council warns that the full consultation questionnaire stretches to 62 questions, across more than 100 pages! The summary document response is more manageable, but even if you want to read and respond to the full version, there is plenty of time. You are invited to read one or other of the two documents, then submit your response by 6th February 2017.
Sources: [accessed 15 December 2016] [accessed 15 December 2016]