Suffolk Coastal Liberal Democrats book group
Suffolk Coastal Liberal Democrats are to trial an informal monthly book group for members of the local party, to read and discuss topics that we think will be of interest to Liberal Democrats, small-'l' liberals, small-'d' democrats, Remainers and anti-Brexiters. We hope that our book choices will prompt discussion about liberalism globally, and about the specific problems that we face in the UK as a result of last year's EU Referendum result.
Starting in October, we plan to read:
- On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century, by Timothy Snyder
- How To Stop Brexit (And Make Britain Great Again), by Nick Clegg
- The Retreat of Western Liberalism, by Edward Luce
- 2017: A Look at the Year Ahead of Us, by Nick Tyrone
The books are all topical - indeed, one of them isn't even published yet. And they are all manageable in length, with two of them coming in at just 128 pages.
If you are a member of Suffolk Coastal Liberal Democrats, please check your email for further details, and let us know if you want to attend any or all of the sessions. We hope you can make it.