Suffolk 2017 ~ Highways
The Conservative County Council has recently renewed the private contract that has handed over control of our highways to a private company that has reduced spending but failed to deliver. The contract has proved to be intensely bureaucratic.
Liberal Democrats will:
- Take back control of the Highways contract unless it delivers an effective road maintenance programme.
- Use £2million from the Tory reserves stockpile to improve our roads. We will fix potholes, maintain pavements and cut the grass verges more quickly.
- Lobby the government for further improvements to the Copdock interchange to eliminate queuing delays and the drag on Suffolk's economy.
- Support the building of the third crossing in Lowestoft and the new wet dock link in Ipswich.
A Manifesto for Suffolk 2017: An open, tolerant, happy place to live, learn and work, by Suffolk Liberal Democrats, launched in March 2017.