Guy Verhofstadt: "Britain is stronger in Europe, and Europe is stronger with Britain in it"
"I have no doubt that Britain is stronger in Europe and Europe is stronger with Britain in it. It is in the interests of both the EU and the UK to conclude a mutually beneficial agreement."
"The only winners from a Brexit would be Nigel Farage and Vladimir Putin; who would relish a divided Europe."
These are the words of Guy Verhofstadt (leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Europe, and a European Parliament negotiator on the UK's membership of the European Union), commenting after his meeting yesterday with David Cameron to discuss progress with the negotiations on a revised EU membership for the UK.
On the renegotiation process, Guy Verhofstadt said:
"It's true that Europe needs reform. We agree on this with David Cameron. If Britain doesn't want to be part of further political integration, then let's respect this and let's work to recognise this fact in the treaties. If played well, this could be a win-win deal for the UK and the rest of Europe. Because treaty change is also needed to further deepen the Union and give it the tools it needs to deal with the multiple crises it faces."
On the role of the European Parliament in agreeing secondary legislation related to the UK renegotiation, Mr Verhofstadt said;
"You can never predict the outcome of a legislative process in an elected parliament and it would be wrong to do so, but we will be open and constructive."
*With thanks to ALDE for their kind permission to use the accompanying photograph, imageĀ©ALDEgroup2016.