#5WeeksTooLong campaign
People are struggling to stay afloat while they wait at least five weeks for Universal Credit
Food banks across the country tell the Trussell Trust that under the new benefits system, Universal Credit, people are struggling to stay afloat while they wait at least five weeks for the first payment. This isn't right.That's why the Trussell Trust is asking the government to end the five week wait and for everyone who agrees to be part of our new #5WeeksTooLong campaign - will you join them? We're a country that prides itself on making sure proper support is in place for each other when help is most needed - that's why we created our fire service, our health service, our benefits system. Together, we can show how damaging the five week wait is and demand change from those in charge. trusselltrust.us8.list-manage.com/track/click END |